Personality Development
First impression is last impression. A simple 2 minutes of an introductory session can tell lot about person’s personality and behavior.
Possessing an attractive personality has become a necessity not only for our personal life’s, but our career and every other aspect too. To Gain the interviewers faith in you, a good personality is very important.
Personality is what makes a person unique. Understanding the importance of Personality Development for Students, we have clubbed several ways using which you can shape up your personality for interview. The solution to improve your personality is to make certain changes in your external as well internal environment.
We specialize in providing a structure and process, for making your next career move be the one you want. We deliver professional materials and expert tips for every aspect of your career. These changes will touch upon many aspects of you such as Self-Motivation, body language, clothing, and self-confidence etc.
When you have an attractive personality, the first impression on the person in front of you is always good. If you are at an interview or just meeting someone for the first time, you will feel confident. To make the person in front of you to have faith in you, a good personality is very important.
To succeed in an interview join our Personality Development Course.
Course Content(20 hrs Training)
- Interview Techniques
- Preliminaries of an interview
- Writing CV or Resume
- Mock Sessions
- Effective Self Introduction and Analyzing strength and weakness
- Reasons of Rejection
- Difference between hearing & Listening
- Body Language & Voice Mapping
- Learn to Dress well
- Have Emotional control
- Personality traits & Take a personality check
- Interpersonal relationship
- Stress & its management
- Time management
- Barriers to communications & Overcoming barriers to communication
- Conducts During GD
- Group Discussion
- Overcome Hindrances [Lack of Confidence/hesitation]